Kansas City Zoo Aquires Male Bull Elephant

Kansas City Zoo Aquires Male Bull Elephant

KCZoo Welcomes TamaniTamani, a 9-year old male elephant, has arrived at the Kansas City Zoo. Upon his arrival the females began their trumpeting welcome. He is settling in near, but separated from, the females in the Zoo’s bull yard designed specifically to withstand the strength of male elephants and stimulate their intelligence.

Experienced Elephant Zoo Keepers will work with Tamani as they do with the females. Using positive reinforcement for training, he will receive baths on a weekly schedule along with footwork and regular blood draws. He will be on an exercise schedule and slowly introduced to the Zoo’s female elephants. The first females to be introduced could be Lady and Megan. If that goes well, Tattoo would be introduced. This is a very careful and thoughtful process that is exciting for the Elephant Conservation work the Kansas City Zoo is embarking upon.

Zoo guests may be able to catch a glimpse of this lively male from the elephant overlook across from the flamingos. Related Story>>