Commemorative World War I 100th Anniversary Markers To Be Placed at Local Memorials

Commemorative World War I 100th Anniversary Markers To Be Placed at Local Memorials

KC Parks and the City of Fountains Foundation are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the end of the war by placing temporary markers at many of the local monuments and memorials dedicated to the fallen and veterans of the “war to end all wars”. On September 12 at 11 a.m., officials will gather to place the first marker near the plaque that recognizes Major William Bland, who was killed in action, September 12, 1918.

The world rejoiced when the Great War ended one hundred years ago this November 11th. Monuments to the fallen and to the veterans of World War I sprang up all over the country and Kansas City has its share. Not only is the world-famous and only official National World War I Museum and Memorial a huge part of Kansas City culture, the city and surrounding communities have at least 22 monuments and memorials dedicated to the fallen and veterans of the Great War.

A special page will be added to the City of Fountains Foundation website with information about these monuments.