Ribbon Cutting for Completed Independence and Benton Project

Ribbon Cutting for Completed  Independence and Benton Project

15306547_1318773764840398_910414727518093312_nA ribbon cutting for the improved intersection was held on December 9, 2016. The Independence and Benton project has significantly improved the traffic flow and traffic safety at the intersection of Independence Boulevard and Benton Boulevard in Historic Northeast Kansas City.   Below is a list of the improvements that were completed at this intersection:

  • Replaced the substandard traffic signal at this intersection with modern traffic signal equipment.
  • Added dedicated left turn lanes on Benton Blvd to improve traffic flow.
  • Installed crossing islands at the intersection to improve pedestrian safety and traffic safety.
  • Added metal walls at two corners of the intersection bearing the names of Historic Northeast and Independence Plaza.
  • Planted trees and bio-swale plants.
  • Installed brick pavers, seat walls, and neighborhood markers.