The newly formed Brush Creek Royal Diamonds have been sweeping the competition this past month. The Royal Diamonds took third place in the drill team division in the Kansas City St. Patrick’s Day parade.
On March 21, they competed in the KC Sizzlers Annual March-a-thon and were the first place team overall. The competition also broke down into individual age groups. The age groups ranged from 3-5 years old, 6-8 years old, 9-11 years old and 12 years old and up. In the 3-5 year old division Decoria placed in the top five. In the 6-8 year old division Bre Bre placed in the top five. In the 9-11 year old division Linnell, Alex and Shaniya all placed in the top 10. And in the 12 and up division the captain, Mone’t, placed in the top ten and received a judge’s choice award. We are very proud of the Brush Creek Royal Diamonds and can’t wait to display more trophies at Brush Creek Community Center.
Watch a video of the Brush Creek Royal Diamonds in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. More>>