One of the long-standing education programs presented by FOLNC is Mother Nature Reads. The First Saturday of the month, children of all ages join Mother Nature’s representative in the Nature Center’s library area. They hear a story, learn ‘cool facts’ about the animal of the month and make something to take home. Sometimes the animal of the month is a resident of the center and is used in a short interpretative program. Other times, the kids see and handle feathers, wings, egg replicas, track casts, scat replicas and furs.
Not only is the story keyed to the animal of the month, the craft is s well. At a recent Mother Nature Reads session, twelve children and their parents made turkey calls from kite string, a paper cut and a paper clip.
Jan. 8 | Feb. 5 | March 5 | April 2 | May 7 | July 2 | Aug. 6 | Sept. 3 | Oct. 1 | Nov. 5 | Dec. 3
Saturday, 10 a.m.
Location: Lakeside Nature Center